This version of Chamilo only includes a few minor new features:
Training planning through users free/busy calendar (only admin for now) (changeset fefa973c92f3 and a873df3067d3)
Links checker in links tool (changeset 95cfbc1ac887)
Restored extra fields export in exercises (changeset 01dcb74cfdfc)
Added tokens to announcements (changeset 66d9c5e10b42)
Students can download learning paths as PDF (changeset 3bd77279faee)
Added tokens to certificates generation (changeset c2201eee3558)
Attendances session support
Added quick browsing of directories’ documents – requires manual activation for now: in user_portal.php, find $load_dirs and set to $load_dirs = true;. Will be setable through admin page in next version (changeset 7f84869233c2)
Certificates: An easy to remember URL to view students URL: (public for everyone right now) see #3630
Certificates: QR code generation for certifications #3631
New landing page for every exercise created, now we show the student’s results see BT#2804
Attendances and Course Progress added in the backup/copy course Chamilo creation
Improving UI + fixes in previews
Import ICS with multiple events #3622
Now we can create an event with only a start date
In the Personal Calendar (day view) now we show hours from 0:00h to 5:00h
Fixing announcements listing BT#2751
Made assignments editable/removable by students only until they have been reviewed and scored (> 0) by the teacher (changeset bc1b8e1e603d)
Teachers can changed the score even if the assignment is already passed.
Improving UI
Fixed bug when clicking in the "Today" filter. Filter is set to "All" by default BT#2663
Adding shortcuts in order to edit or create Attendances plans
"Document preview" bug fixed when using a course in Dutch (yoxview bad translate file) (changeset e205fe6d94fe)
Bug fixed when using glossary terms in a document #3620
Bug fixed when reading MP3 files using the jplayer plugin #3593
Bug fixed when hiding a course document in a session
Bug fixed when using the simple upload form
Improved documents visibility now we check the parents visibility
Fixed question matching when using french/spanish accents
Exercise results: Fixing and improving export to CSV using jquery BT#2722
Fixed bug with feedback in XLS import #3763
Several fixes including, better session integration and some warning messages added when total score is not correct
Adding 2 new tags in the certification: course title and gradebook result
Fixed possible bug with magic_quotes_gpc #2970
Order arrows are removed #3123
Fixed problem when adding a document in a learning path with glossary terms #3620
Fixed mp3 previews
Fixed fatal error in upgrade from 1.8.5 by requiring image.lib.php – BT#2777
Fixed fatal error in upgrade from by checking the availability of the DateTimeZone library in PHP – BT#2777
Learning path
Drag and drop to order LP items! #3741
Bug fixed when editing a document title in a LP but not updated in the Document tool #3714
Fatal error fixed when editing item prerequisites when the videoconference is enabled #3658
When creating documents inside the LP tool, a new folder with the LP name is created inside the Learning Path folder
URL fixed when adding the link in the course homepage BT#2751
Token support added #2477
Portal administration
System information fixed #3552
Sub language fixed (parse error) #2910
Bug fixed when enabling BBB plugin #3637
Improving Notification class: adding a footer and an introduction message
New way to generate usernames when importing users using CSV or XML file
Activities stats date fixed
When uploading users using a CSV/XML file, the username is generated using the first letter of the first name and the lastname #3686
Now we can clean the chamilo/archive folder from the Portal Administration #3748
Catalan and Dutch translations updated
User portal/ My courses
Improving Course Catalog load time
Course catalog view is random by default
A Session doesn’t exist in 2 URLs at the same time #3733
Social Network / Groups
Reply counter fixed in group topics and improving UI
Adding user extra fields in CSV/XLS exports #1647
Style changes
Fixed who is online user images (changeset 61945685bcff)
CSS styles: fix.css and fix_chamilo.css were deleted, there are only base.css and base_chamilo.css calls are added directly in the CSS file
All CSS were reduced and improved in order to use the base.css and base_chamilo.css styles
Chosen library added (select tag improved) #3740
New breadcrumb added to old styles (blue, academic, etc)
Fixed several limited-risk potential XSS
Adding session fixation #3600
Fixed several potential SQL injections #3601
Known issues
Watermark portal images are now saved in the main/default_course_document/images/ folder. If you used portal-wide watermarks before, you might need to upload the watermark image again.
A style-specific switch had been added in, which improved the appearance of older style but went against MVC’s principles and broke copies of Chamilo-based styles. This switch has been removed, which may lead to the breadcrumb in non-chamilo-based styles to appear as less attractive, but keeps the MVC model safe so anyone can modify the appearance safely from the CSS. This might require very little cosmetic changes from you (in your style’s default.css file), but we believe it’s for the best.